October 19, 2010

Drama, drama, drama

It's been nearly over a year since I last posted on here. Still trying to fix some stuff up, so forgive any crap.

Anyway, drama. I know "I don't want no drama." Well the reality of it is that drama will never go away. We're human beings and as such, it's here to stay. But I'm all for getting rid of unnecessary drama in life. Especially when it comes to the internet. I know it's a cesspool of drama. Just that it could be better if the unnecessary ones weren't so frequent.

I firmly believe that in any public gathering, if there's a way to contact someone personally within that, then any and all problems should be settled within that. Only publicly outing someone sets you up to be a bad person and become a target of flaming and demeaning comments towards you. And then when you whine that all these people are hurting your feelings, you have only yourself to blame. In all, calling someone out publicly makes you just as bad as the person who you have a problem with. You may not like them, but I like to believe that people can be civil/mature enough to solve their problems away from the public eye. And that is anted up a lot when you are a moderator. It's your duty that you volunteered for to do as such, if you can't then you simply can step down from your position. I believe moderators are meant to serve as an example for the users of what they should be, in terms of behavior. I don't think they should be super strict or anything, but at least know what seems wrong and the proper course of action.

Also, I think it's a bit elitist of people to presume that just because someone thinks that their works are crap and people are telling them otherwise, they are automatically assumed that they are feeding comments. No, that's not the case at all and you'll be a complete jackass to think that. Not everyone can be a critical eye. So of course they can't see the minor problem like those who have more experiences. It does not mean one bit that they are hand feeding praises. They are commenting within their personal knowledge. So don't be spiteful if people don't see things that you do. The world would be too bland if everyone had the very same views.

Also, if someone is hard on their work, don't assume attention whore first. There could be many things that contribute it. Also they could naturally seem that they are hard on themselves. Not everyone can feel "my work is the best ever" on themselves. And if you must call them out as attention whores, then do it for every single person out there who is hard on themselves. Myself included. I'll tell you go fuck yourself on a rake, but tell me anyway. Don't target one single person. It makes you seem like you're an ass.

What had caused this is something going on with a forum I frequent. This event involves people that I know. It's sad that it made me re-evaluate people that I thought were okay people. So I plan on staying away from that particular part into the new year I suppose. Seeing as times are getting stressful for me in the holiday season. I hope that neither party take offense to my two posts. I only try to offer my viewpoint based on personal experiences  and a neutral party. If they decide to not listen, then fine. I don't care. I said my piece and I'm done with it.

.....going to church really does help with thinking over things.