September 29, 2009

Thar suppose to be a title here.

I was supposed to be posting fairly often with this thing. Meh, I forgot about it. Anyway, I must get a Playstation Portable now. Well because there might be a chance that PS: Portable 2 will be coming to the states. Sure Sega said that they only announced it for Japan right now. But I have no doubt that they will release it state side. It has free online and global. You know us Americans will eat it up.

Anyway, I'm pressed about how  it looks so far. Plus possible 20-ish Hyuga? Fuuuuuuck yeah. Saw what looked to be concept art of him. I swooned. Tbh that was what sparked me to go on ahead and write a part 3 to my PSU fanfiction. I was so totally ready to stop after some ficlets. But then that and Yuna's Image song "Namida no Ato ni" /"After the Tears" inspired me to go on and write. It has little action. But chuck load of drama and what not. Plus something.......happens between the main pairing >_>

Oh man I had a good morning.My friend is taking a hiatus because of this bitch and my friend and I got on Yahoo and talked shit. It was fun taking my frustrations out like that. At least that way, I won't get in trouble. Normally I would let it slide. But this person is just so hypocritical that I felt angry. You know? Like saying "Sex is overrated" But one of her favorite things to do is have sex with her boyfriend. And saying that she doesn't post pictures on the internet, but BAM! right on her profile, she has some photoshopped (quite possibly using fotoflex from Photobucket) of herself. Shit pisses me off. Note 1: Never piss me off, cause I can talk shit like no tomorrow.

Just gonna leave with one of my random pics from my tablet.

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